Amel Brahim-Djelloul for the first at the Opéra d'Alger

Amel Brahim-Djelloul will sing, with the french baritone Thomas Dolié, on the opening concert of the Festival Culturel International de Musique Symphonique on november 30th, 2016, at the Opéra d’Alger.
She will make her debuts in this new Operahouse, opened on october 2016.
The program of the concert is arias and duetts from Mozart, Offenbach and Lehar, with the Orchestre de l’Opéra d’Alger (conductor: Amine Kouider).
Amel Brahim-Djelloul will sing agian at the Opéra d'Alger twice.
First, on december 20th, 2016, for the oprening concert of the Festival International de musique andalouse et des musiques anciennes d'Alger. She will be with the Ensemble Amedyez, conducted by Rachid Brahim-Djelloul, and with the program "Souvenirs d'Al Andalus".
Then, on january 26th, 2017 with the show "Les mille et une lunes de la Princesse Boudour" (The 1001 moons of the Princess Boudour) with the pianist Nicolas Jouve et and the storyteller Jihad Darwiche (Lights: Nathalie Perrier / Costumes: Fatima Guerrout)